Our Event

Putting it into a perspective
Funtastic Family Fun Fest is an annual event which takes place every year in Brampton with the help and support of local businesses, community leaders and team of dedicated volunteers.

The event is focused on promoting healthy, fun activities around exciting sports competitions in a family friendly environment. Festival promotes positivity and inclusion by reaching out to all segments of the community.

Funtastic Family Fun Fest is now in its fourth year after successful executions in 2019, 2022 and 2023. The festival has gained official recognition and support of the City of Brampton. Despite our past successes we learn from our mistakes and constantly strive for improvements despite our limited resources. Community support in whichever way or form is always appreciated.

Funtastic Family Fun Fest 2023Funtastic Family Fun Fest 2022Funtastic Family Fun Fest 2019
